Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas to all!!!

Why does one very small extra child make things a whole lot harder to get done? It really is not proportional that having two kids instead of one should make it difficult for me to get things done. Oh, well. She's worth it! Christmas cards have been extra challenging this year to get sent. Please look at the card above and know that you are loved and appreciated by our family. We pray God's best for you and your family in the coming year. Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas isn't coming???

So, Judah and I were watching Saturday morning cartoons. Darby, Pooh Bear, and friends were singing about how Christmas wasn't coming because Santa lost the presents and had called the whole thing off. I turned to Judah and said,
"They're being silly, aren't they?"
"Yeah," Judah grinned and looked at me.
"Judah, what's Christmas really about?"
His little face scrunched up in concentration and then he remembered,
"I hugged him and nodded. "That's right! Santa can't cancel Christmas because its about Jesus. Even if no one got presents, Christmas would still happen."
Judah turned to the TV and yelled, "Christmas is about JESUS!"

I tell you this anecdote because I am so excited about this idea of Operation Take Christmas Back. I started a couple days ago as it said on my blog and already it is bearing fruit. I don't even know the lady who thought of this plan, but I read her blog and am being blessed because of it. Thank you to all of you who put positive, uplifting, challenging, Christ-glorifying ideas on your blogs, facebook, myspace, e-mail, etc. You never know the fruit that is reaped.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Operation Take Christmas Back

So after my last blog, my friend Megan referred me to another blog post with an idea called Take Christmas Back. I love it and want to do it. The basic idea is to do something everyday leading up to Christmas Day to help us (and our kids) remember the true meaning of Christmas. Reading the Christmas story, serving others, etc. I'm up for it and I hope you are too. Feel free to grab the image above and spread the news. Operation Take Christmas Back has begun!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Gifts, gifts, and more gifts?

Disclaimer: I am not Scrooge. I love gifts. I love Christmas.

So, our basement bedroom overfloweth with Christmas presents waiting (somewhat impatiently) to be wrapped... At the same time, our house overfloweth with stuff. Over the past few months, I have been realizing more and more just how much "STUFF" we have. And I'm not just talking about my particular house. Practically everyone I know has far many more things than we have ever needed. Now, I'm not saying that economic times are not hard, and I know that the dollar doesn't stretch as far as it used too. Indeed, I have friends and acquaintances that are in real trouble with respect to mortgages, rising grocery prices, and skyrocketing unemployment. I simply feel a need to purge my house of extra things. I am ready to cart everything off to Oasis ministries and Goodwill. Does anyone else see the crazy irony in the fact that while I feel this way, I am purchasing gifts to fill up my house and the houses of our friends and relatives yet again. Yikes!
This year I must be getting old. I am far more excited about spending time with family than the prospect of receiving Christmas surprises. People are of so much more value than all the exciting merchandise of the season.
Thanks for listening to my venting.

Oh, I am trying to really get the idea of gratitude across to Judah. Does anyone have any ideas on how to teach this rather ethereal concept?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Decorations

Practically everyone who knows me knows that Christmas starts on October 14th (the day after my birthday). I pause for Thanksgiving -- it's always good to be grateful. Then I keep on trucking to Christmas. I love the lights, smiles, music, gifts, smells, foods, just about all of it! Our house is decorated inside and out. We also just got back from Thanksgiving in Branson with Mike's family. Silver Dollar City is bedecked in millions of Christmas lights and sooooo pretty. The pics in my new blog header are from our trip. Jasmine grabbed tons of attention in her pink marshmallow suit. Cute, cute, cute! What a fun time with family! The whole experience put me in the mood to decorate my blog for the season. So, merry Christmas to all! Let's remember the true meaning amidst the fun of the season. Jesus gave up an awful lot to be our gift, and I am truly grateful!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thankful for...

This week naturally has me thinking about blessings in my life. Wow! There are lots of them. I am so grateful for all of the many amazing people, opportunities, and things in my world right now. As soon as we get close to Thanksgiving and Christmas, I start to miss my Texas family more and more. Today I was thinking about four women down there and I am very thankful for their roles in my life.

My mom (aka Marme): She is hospitality in the flesh. There is rarely a day that goes by that someone doesn't drop by my mom's house and she is always ready. There is coffee, snacks, cold drinks, the house is presentable, and she sincerely welcomes everyone with open. Whenever I hear that someone will be in the area where my parents live, I tell them to tell me the exact dates so I can get my parents to feed them or let them stay at the homestead. My friends never believe me and don't take advantage of this great opportunity...but they should! My parents would welcome anyone (and everyone) with open arms, a lovely guest room, and more fabulous food than anyone should eat at one sitting. Marme is an example to me of church in motion during daily life. She invites, offers, hosts, and welcomes untiringly.

My Sissy (aka Nesey): Hmmm...shall we say that growing up I didn't appreciate her as much as I do now. I was very black and white, always knew what was right for me (and everyone else) and willing to share my opinions without invitation. Yikes! My sister loved me wholeheartedly anyway. She is a teacher -- in the best sense of the word. The classroom (and any other place you get her together with teenagers) is her mission field. She is bold to proclaim God's Word and passionate about His heart and people. Sissy was always labeled as the bubbly, people-pleaser. However, I have come to recognize that this is very misleading. She disregards how people might judge her when God tells her to do something. She goes right on and does it. She also is very intelligent. Because I adapted to school like a duck to water, people were quick to label me the smart sister. My sister praised me and let me take the glory when she could have demonstrated her own intelligence and accomplishments. I hope I grow up to be as bold for Christ and as loving of others as my big sister.

My Sister-in-Law (Angel): We had already pretty much adopted Angela when my brother fell for her and married her. She is one of the most caring people I have ever met. She never forgets about what is going on with you. And, watch out, cause if she prays for something, it happens. She tirelessly petitions God on behalf of family and friends. She fiercely loves her daughters and is their advocate and comforter. She is quick to smile, quick to hug, and quick to laugh. The perfect person to share a cup of coffee with -- even if you don't drink coffee!

My Sort-Of Sister (aka Tricia): Okay, so no one (including my husband who has seen it in action) really understands how much Trish is a part of our family. She has been my sister's best friend for over 20 years and is truly a sister (if not by blood). I have a camaraderie with Tricia that allows me to call her and chat at any time and feel like no time has passed. We may not talk for a month or more, but when we dial up each other, it is hard to get off the phone. Tricia is the ultimate organizer. She makes sure things get done. She is perpetually prepared and has the biggest servant's heart in Texas. If there is a need, Tricia is already on the way to meet it. She puts aside her own plans to help out at a moment's notice. She is a caregiver and you'd be hard-pressed to get her to sit still to be served.

These four women are an inspiration and blessing in my life and I am very grateful to God for them.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Choosing Thankfulness

I was reading a book the other day. Not a serious, let's grow and learn book, but a light-hearted, let's escape from craziness and laundry kind of book. The author (Lori Wick) weaves biblical messages into the fiction she writes. Anyway, one of the things in this book was the phrase "choosing thankfulness." In several situations that were trying, scary, or downright depressing, the characters were choosing to be thankful and recognizing the sovereignty of God. This really jumped out at me for some reason. How apt am I to give God praise for planning things out and ordering my life, especially when I am not really comfortable with a particular choice He makes. If He is God at all, then He must be God OF all. So, I determined to choose thankfulness everyday no matter what.
I shouldn't have mentioned this to anyone, not even myself.
In school, I always liked tests... in life, not so much...
Friday, my laptop died. Yup! Dead as a doornail (whatever that means). So, here's the really cool part. God was completely and totally bringing good out of this before it even happened, Mike decided to speed up my computer for my birthday present. He bought extra memory and wanted to get rid of all the stuff I don't ever use. My instructions were to back every single thing I would ever need onto my external hard drive. God is so good! When my computer died, I lost none of my writing, scrapbook pages, digital scrapping supplies, documents, NOTHING whatsoever! Also, within 24 hours, Mike had our desktop computer set up upstairs and running beautifully. I am so thankful God is taking care of through the wonderful man to whom I am married.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Decorating for Fall

Fall is my favorite weather, beautiful colors, caramel apples, trips to the pumpkin farm, my birthday, ramping up for Christmas...I love it all! So, today I decided to decorate my blog for Fall. I learned how to make a new header (very fun!) and used Christy Skaggs kit Forever Autumn (available at GDS). I changed the format too. I am one of those people who would change the furniture and paint the house every few months if it was practical. Everything is more fun when it can be decorated! Anyway, if any of you weren't in the mood for autumn yet, hope this helps!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Woo-Hoo! I'm a Supreme Team Member

I'm celebrating the recent knowledge that I made the supreme team. The Layout above is my first LO (2007 Pumpkin Farm) as a supreme. I made it with the GDS Collab kit this month. I always love the pics we get at Eckert's Farm. Can't wait to go back again this year!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Grateful for Mike...

Okay, so I am following the trend set by two amazing women (Sarah and Jessica) that I have the privilege to know. On their blogs they were bragging on their husbands, and I was reminded of what a fantastic man I married. So, here goes...

He is energetic, passionate, and can work most people into the ground.
He has guarded against being a work-aholic by leaving his computer at work so he can spend time with his family.
He is such an endearing father: making up games that are special "Daddy" times with Judah and Jasmine.
He is a protector and provider, committed to my success and our family's well-being.
He is growing daily in the things of God and hearing from God for our family and those he leads.
He is funny and fun to be with.
He challenges me to become more Christlike and to see myself and others clearly.
He is incredibly intelligent and analytical.
He is diligent and faithful to all commitments.
He persistently works at learning new skills until he excels at them.
He never forgets birthdays and anniversaries.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I made it to the last round...

Well, I am in the final round of the Supreme Team contest at Woo-Hoo! They gave Andrea Gold's page kit "Possibilities" to work with. Here is the link to the contest:

Rays of Sunshine

Now I just get to twiddle my thumbs until Tuesday night when I find out if I am a part of the team.

Renewing Friendships

All day Thursday, Judah and I prepared very excitedly for company. When Mike and I were dating and first married, our best friends were a couple named Mark and Joy Willis. When we changed churches and moved, we kind of just lost touch. Recently I found Joy online and through e-mail we planned for our families to get together for dinner. Mark and Joy and their five lovely children (and one on the way) entered our house and the years fell away. They had never met Judah and Jasmine. We had only known two (Anna and Emily) of their five (Anna, Emily, Laura, Caleb, and John Mark). However, they have done such a fabulous job with their children that it was a delight see how they got along with Mike and I and with Judah and Jazz. All of the kids played beautifully all evening and were gracious and full of gratitude. What a wonderful demonstration of God's plan for the family -- a showcase of His love, grace, and embracing nature. Friday morning, when Judah woke up, his first words were, "Mama, that family that came to our house last night was AMAZING!"
I whole-heartedly agree!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

On to another round...

I finished my LO for the next Supreme Team round at GDS. I took a whole bunch of pics of Judah and Jazz in our yard and when we walked to grandma's house. They had so much fun doing a photo shoot for me. Here's the link to the actual contest:
Expressions of Delight
The kit we got to use this round is called "Delightful" page kit by Veronica Hurly. It is fabulous!

Friday, September 12, 2008

GDS Supreme Team Contest

I forgot to mention that I am entering that scrapbooking contest again! If at first you don't succeed... and so on!

I have made it past the first round with the page of Jasmine in a flower pot and have entered my St. George Island page for the second round. Check it out at!

(The pictures are links to the gallery.)

Jasmine Flower Pot page created with Helen Ehrenhofer's Mom's Garden kit.
St. George Island page created with Maria Design's Tropicaliente kit.

Box Day!

Our pre-school curriculum from Sonlight arrived this week. It is awesome! We are going to officially start the schedule next week, but Judah was so excited, we have already started reading the books and doing the developmental workbooks. He is thrilled to be in "school."
I didn't even tell him that I had ordered it. When he saw the delivery man bring the box, he asked what was in it. I told him that it was his school stuff and that Mommy would be his teacher. He started hopping around excitedly. The box was really heavy (gotta love free shipping!) so we slipped on our shoes and went outside to play tag in the front yard while waiting for Daddy to come home and bring it inside for us.
As soon as Mike set the box down on the dining room table, Judah was right there with scissors. I slit the tape open and the first thing he saw was the brown paper packing material. Judah grinned up at me and gasped in joy!
"Mama, I got bags!"
He can make a game out of anything! ...and he has. That brown paper has floated all over our house. He mainly likes to play that it is a bunch of snakes attacking him. or his sister. or me. It is so cute to watch creativity at work.
By the way, he loves the other stuff in the box too.

Scrapbook page created using "Child's Play" by SAS Designs. Get it at!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Rants and Rambles...

I've been thinking a lot lately about the balance of responsibility and responsivity. In my mind is a fight between "Martha" and "Mary." I love the idea that we should all be like Mary and sit at the feet of Jesus worshipping Him. However, if our children are not fed, houses a wreck, jobs sloppily done (or not done at all), etc.; what kind of witness are we giving to others. I tend to pendulum swing back and forth when what I suspect I need most of all is a healthy balance of BEING in God's presence and DOING His will for my life.
I was talking to one of my vocal students this week who was bemoaning a difficult issue in singing that is frustrating. We compared it to sin. The better we get at singing (or the closer we get to God), the more obvious our faults become to us. I am starting to get very frustrated with my own desire to compare myself to others instead of the standard that God set in His word.
When will I learn to get my nose out of other people's business and get down to BEING who God wants me to be and DOING what He wants me to do?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Texas Vacation

I haven't posted anything new for a while because we have been visiting my family in Southeast Texas. There was a big Hurricane Gustav scare while we were there, but in reality, Saint Louis got more rain yesterday than the hurricane produced at my parents' house. Most of my family got to meet Jasmine for the first time and we had a great time seeing everyone. I am so blessed to have such a loving, God-loving family. They are all so hospitable and outreach oriented. More pics to come later but here's a page of Jasmine bonding with my Dad.

Created using Helen Ehrenhofer's Mom's Garden from GDS

Monday, August 18, 2008

New Opportunity

I am so excited to be joining the Dayspring School of the Arts faculty teaching voice classes on Monday nights. God set up this amazing connection with this fabulous organization in Saint Louis. What a blessing to get to work with such great people!
Check it out!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Blessed Beyond Expectation

I am so blessed. When I was younger, I used to pray that I would really fit into my future husband's family. I prayed that we would have a great relationship. I expected that when I got married, I would like my father and mother-in-law. I expected that we would get along and there would not be huge struggles over my husband. I got blessed beyond my expectations. I got enveloped into a family. Papa Bear and Moma D (my in-laws) care for me like my own parents. They are continually supportive, helpful, loving, and servant-hearted. BUT, God's blessings don't stop there. Mike's extended family accepted me as one of their own. It makes being away from my family in Texas so much easier to have a wonderful family here. Not to mention I have another sister in Laura -- so cool! God longs to pour out his blessings on us whenever we share our desires with Him.

Recently, Mike's Aunt Margie and Aunt Nan came to visit so I made this scrapbook page for Jasmine's scrapbook. I used Trendy 3 page kit by Christy Skaggs.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Healer God

So, I'm really late getting this story up here, but I have to share it. Saturday before last, I dropped a glass jar of baby food from the top shelf of my pantry onto my little toe. My poor little piggy immediately turned purple, bent to the side and swelled up to twice its size. I hobbled into the living room and told that I thought I had just broken my toe; he took one look and agreed with me. We decided that if I went to the hospital, all they would do is tape it and give me Ibuprofen. Oh, and let's not forget an enormous bill for that service. So I bit my lip, taped my toe and downed a couple of pain pills. At church that night, we sang a song called "Healer" (see for info about this amazing song!) and prayed for people to get healed. Thick-headed me completely forgot that I had a broken toe. I was busy singing and praying for other people. But I guess God doesn't need for us to remember we are sick to heal us. I realized Sunday that my toe had not hurt since that worship time even though it was still purple, bent to the side and swollen. I changed the tape and went on with my day. By Sunday night when I went to change the tape again, my toe was perfectly normal. Praise God, when we are thick-headed, He's still amazing!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


So Judah has always hated haircuts. He wiggles, runs away, cries, even sometimes screams like a banshee so that strangers think I am abusing the child by subjecting him to a little trim up top. Needless to say I put off haircuts until absolutely necessary. For about three weeks I have been thinking, and saying, that his hair is getting way long. I've been garnering courage to drive him to Fantastic Sam's and force him into that black chair facing the mirror. Ughhh! This morning Judah made me realize that I had waited too long. He leaned back into his bath water, wiggled his hair, and looked a me with a smile. "Mama, my hair feels like princess hair! Is my hair as long as a princess yet?"
'Nough said.
Grab the keys and head to the barber.
Created with Trendy2 page kit by Christy Skaggs

Who Loves Me? book

I had this fantastic idea to create mini-scrapbook pages for Jazz's "Who Loves Baby?" photo album. It has pictures of really close family members on each page. It turned out really cute. The only problem is that now Judah wants one made especially for him, AND he wants ALL the family members to have a page. Yikes, what have I started!?!

I used the following digital kits ( to create these pages:
Bella by SAS Designs
My Man by Christy Skaggs
Playdate by Christy Skaggs
Jaydan Lee
by Christy Skaggs
Burnished Sunset by SAS Designs
I Can See a Rainbow by Eirene
by Christy Skaggs
Reflection by Christy Skaggs

Daddy? You've Got to be Kidding Me!

My beautiful 7-month-old daughter Jasmine sat up in my lap this weekend, looked over at my husband, and said, "Hey, Dad!" You have to understand the backstory... My four-year-old son Judah said everything before he said "Mama." This includes sentences like "It's good!" about squash. Certainly it means that he said "Daddy" before he said my name. So, things were going to be different this time around. Since she was born, I have been coaxing and coaching her to say "Mama." We've been in intensive training since she started babbling. How is it that she says "Dad" first? There's no justice in the world!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

First Blogging Experience

Okay, so this is my first blog post on my brand new blog. I'm feeling a little technologically intimidated right at this moment. My philosophy about computers has always been that if I read, poke some buttons, and use some logic, eventually I'll figure out how to accomplish whatever I need to do. It is slightly frightening to think that anyone can log on to this website and witness my bumbling attempts at creating a blog. Oh, well! I have to start somewhere.
I am starting this blog for a few reasons...
1. I am a writer trying to better her craft and all writing is practice in voice, style, grammar, etc. So the more I write, the better writer I become.
2. An avid digi-scrapper, I need a forum to post and describe photos, scrapbook pages and stories about my two darlings so my far-away family can keep in touch.
3. It will be extremely cool to look back over the posts and see how I have grown as a person and how my family has grown.
So, we are off to the races...

The hubby and me

The hubby and me