This week naturally has me thinking about blessings in my life. Wow! There are lots of them. I am so grateful for all of the many amazing people, opportunities, and things in my world right now. As soon as we get close to Thanksgiving and Christmas, I start to miss my Texas family more and more. Today I was thinking about four women down there and I am very thankful for their roles in my life.
My mom (aka Marme): She is hospitality in the flesh. There is rarely a day that goes by that someone doesn't drop by my mom's house and she is always ready. There is coffee, snacks, cold drinks, the house is presentable, and she sincerely welcomes everyone with open. Whenever I hear that someone will be in the area where my parents live, I tell them to tell me the exact dates so I can get my parents to feed them or let them stay at the homestead. My friends never believe me and don't take advantage of this great opportunity...but they should! My parents would welcome anyone (and everyone) with open arms, a lovely guest room, and more fabulous food than anyone should eat at one sitting. Marme is an example to me of church in motion during daily life. She invites, offers, hosts, and welcomes untiringly.
My Sissy (aka Nesey): Hmmm...shall we say that growing up I didn't appreciate her as much as I do now. I was very black and white, always knew what was right for me (and everyone else) and willing to share my opinions without invitation. Yikes! My sister loved me wholeheartedly anyway. She is a teacher -- in the best sense of the word. The classroom (and any other place you get her together with teenagers) is her mission field. She is bold to proclaim God's Word and passionate about His heart and people. Sissy was always labeled as the bubbly, people-pleaser. However, I have come to recognize that this is very misleading. She disregards how people might judge her when God tells her to do something. She goes right on and does it. She also is very intelligent. Because I adapted to school like a duck to water, people were quick to label me the smart sister. My sister praised me and let me take the glory when she could have demonstrated her own intelligence and accomplishments. I hope I grow up to be as bold for Christ and as loving of others as my big sister.
My Sister-in-Law (Angel): We had already pretty much adopted Angela when my brother fell for her and married her. She is one of the most caring people I have ever met. She never forgets about what is going on with you. And, watch out, cause if she prays for something, it happens. She tirelessly petitions God on behalf of family and friends. She fiercely loves her daughters and is their advocate and comforter. She is quick to smile, quick to hug, and quick to laugh. The perfect person to share a cup of coffee with -- even if you don't drink coffee!
My Sort-Of Sister (aka Tricia): Okay, so no one (including my husband who has seen it in action) really understands how much Trish is a part of our family. She has been my sister's best friend for over 20 years and is truly a sister (if not by blood). I have a camaraderie with Tricia that allows me to call her and chat at any time and feel like no time has passed. We may not talk for a month or more, but when we dial up each other, it is hard to get off the phone. Tricia is the ultimate organizer. She makes sure things get done. She is perpetually prepared and has the biggest servant's heart in Texas. If there is a need, Tricia is already on the way to meet it. She puts aside her own plans to help out at a moment's notice. She is a caregiver and you'd be hard-pressed to get her to sit still to be served.
These four women are an inspiration and blessing in my life and I am very grateful to God for them.