Thursday, August 7, 2008


So Judah has always hated haircuts. He wiggles, runs away, cries, even sometimes screams like a banshee so that strangers think I am abusing the child by subjecting him to a little trim up top. Needless to say I put off haircuts until absolutely necessary. For about three weeks I have been thinking, and saying, that his hair is getting way long. I've been garnering courage to drive him to Fantastic Sam's and force him into that black chair facing the mirror. Ughhh! This morning Judah made me realize that I had waited too long. He leaned back into his bath water, wiggled his hair, and looked a me with a smile. "Mama, my hair feels like princess hair! Is my hair as long as a princess yet?"
'Nough said.
Grab the keys and head to the barber.
Created with Trendy2 page kit by Christy Skaggs

1 comment:

Megan Brueseke said...

LOL. Judah is such a funny little guy - he makes me laugh every time I talk to him.

The hubby and me

The hubby and me