He had spent some birthday money on a souvenir of hot wheels cars from the Indianapolis Children's Museum and was looking over them. My attention was drawn to Judah's hands. They are in a beautiful piano-playing position even though he is playing with cars.
Judah takes piano from Grandma, and yesterday he had a phenomenal piano lesson. I'm talking one where she used phrases like "He learned this quicker than any student I have ever had!" and "He was perfect!" This was after a week where I had to prompt him to practice, but he did it willingly and completely on his own.
[Change scene}
Today, I told Judah to practice the piano. This simple directive was met with the modern day equivalent of wailing and gnashing of teeth. I finally got him sniffling to the piano bench. He played two chords and dissolved into tears again, complaining that he "can't play it." Bear in mind that he was still on the portion of the song that was phenomal and perfect yesterday. Yes...ter...day. Seriously?????
He's crying. I'm frustrated.
Then, he drops the "I'm just gonna quit piano!"
To which I reply, like the fantastic mom I am, "Oh, heck no, you are absolutely NOT allowed to quit!" (Probably not the best way to handle the situation since he started sobbing and saying that he is stupid. Great.)
I finally clued in that this is not really about piano, but that Judah was emotional for some other reason. He was so overwhelmed for some reason today, and practicing piano was the last straw.
After a little cuddle time, we eventually finished the piano practice session with only a few more tears, but it got me thinking about what makes us want to give up, even after success and encouragement. My emotions can run wild. My thought life can totally mislead me, especially if I don't grab hold of the thoughts that don't line up with the word of God right away.
"We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" --2 Corinthians 10:5
I have to take captive my thoughts and put them in correct eternal perspective. To keep running the race with endurance, I have to be vigilant within myself. I can feel ready to quit and overwhelmed at a moment's notice, by courting the wrong thoughts, inviting them in, and sitting down to dinner with them. However, if I 'nip them in the bud' as my grandma would say and replace them with God's word and his thoughts.
When Judah said he was stupid, I told him he was smart. I wish with everything in me that I had told him this...
"Before you were even born, God designed you while you were still inside my tummy. He has had you planned to be the person that you are for all eternity. He does not, and will not, EVER make mistakes. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. The God who shaped the world is supporting, upholding, and lifting you up. You are not stupid, because God didn't make you that way. Making a mistake or a wrong decision does not change who you are created to be. You are wonderfully made, and I am so proud to be your mom."
I'm gonna remedy that, getting my speech ready for right before bedtime. Wish me luck!
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