It was awesome! During the evening, tornado sirens went off and we could hear the storms passing over the building. At one specific moment in the service, everyone in the room was silent. As Ben said, "God wanted to do something in the quiet."
At that exact moment, I could hear the wind roar and the rain travel across the roof. I was overwhelmed by the greatness of God. His might and power is utterly amazing, but even more amazing is the fact that this all-powerful creator of the wind and the rain loves me personally and intimately. He calls me by name and desires my company.
During the quiet, it is simpler to hear the whisper of God. When we get the noise out of our environment, it is so much easier to discern between my wants and the ways of the Lord. This quiet moment in the service provided a unique opportunity for everyone in the room to hear the whisper of God to them specifically. Even just thinking about that overwhelms me. Our God can communicate specifically and individually to that many people at once, and each person's experience can be unbelievably life-transforming.
We serve an amazing God, and I am making a point to dwell in quiet to hear His thoughts to me.
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