These were taken mere moments apart. Even if these gigantic mood shifts were not proof of the new evidence of multiple personalities, there was further confirmation when we arrived home. Upon entering our house, Jasmine announced that her name was Isabella. She entered into a LONG back story for this particular personality, including the fact that she was born in China (but was born with this American voice so they sent her to Indiddlyapolis). From Indiana, she came to our house, hoping to find a family to live with. There were many more details to this history of Isabella.
For hours, she insisted that her name was Isabella and would not respond to Jasmine. This morning, she has alternated between admitting to being Jasmine and claiming that she is Isabella. From this I find some relief that my daughter has not been secretly replaced with a little girl named Isabella, but I do wonder how long these personalities will continue to manifest.
What is it that makes us all want to be someone we are not sometimes? God created my Jasmine to be a beautiful, wonderfully imaginative, caring, (if feisty) child. He did not place her in our family as Isabella.
He made each of us people who are uniquely designed and qualified to live the life He placed us in. He knew us before we were born, ordained our lives, and orders our lives. Today, I am going to take time to be thankful for who God made me to be.
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
--Psalm 139:13-14
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