Ephesians 4:32
"Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God, in Christ, also has forgiven you."
It occurs to me that Mother's Day, and every other day, would always be happy if we all practiced this verse faithfully.
Sometimes, it seems that it is most difficult to be kind, tender-hearted, and forgiving to those that are closest to you. I find my expectations are higher and my disappointment greater with my immediate family and closest friends. Why is it that it is so hard to extend the same grace we extend to strangers to our own family members?
Lord, please help me to treat those closest to me as treasures. Enable me to encourage faithfully, forgive diligently, cover a multitude of sins, and embrace whole-heartedly those who are within my closest circle. I love them. Help me to show love to them as well.
Today has been a great Mother's Day. We traveled back from Branson. Jasmine was cranky because we ran her all over creation during this long weekend, kept her up too late, and skipped naptimes. However, I felt like I was handling her with compassion and firm kindness rather than frustration for the most part. I hope and pray that I can continue to handle the aggravations of daily life with peace and kindness, even when discipline is necessary.
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