Wow! I have not been on here in a long time. There is no excuse; I simply forgot about it during our busy summer. :-)
We are back in the saddle again with Judah's second grade year. This year instead of purchasing a ready to use curriculum that covers all subjects (like Sonlight or Heart of Dakota). I decided to order separate curricula for each subject and schedule it out on my own so I could get the kinds of approaches I felt Judah would benefit the most from. I like tinkering with curriculum. I think it stems from my addiction to school supply shopping. I have to admit that I still get buying fever when I see those displays go up at Wal-Mart. What is it about pencils, notebooks, and folders that always brings a smile to my face?
Anyway, this year we are using Mystery of History 1, Saxon Math, Apologia Young Explorers (Anatomy), A Reason for Handwriting, Rod and Staff Grammar, Explode the Code, and Sonlight's Readers. I got our spelling lists an worksheets from Http://www.SuperTeacherWorksheets.com and am writing my own journal prompts. I also scheduled it out as a four-day schedule (Mon.-Thur.) since Mike is home on Fridays.
We have a hybrid home school schedule too this year. My sis-in-law and I are sharing the duties of homeschooling our two boys. Mondays, I teach both boys at Grandma's house (we set up a school room in the basement). Tuesdays, she teaches both boys at her house. Wednesdays, we each do our own thing. Thursdays, we alternate teaching at grandma's house.
It seems to be working really well so far. The boys are doing very well, and we are staying on track with the schedule. Yay!