So, this week Judah looks at us and says,
"You know, I've been a star a lot of times!"
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, I won lots of trophies at the beautiful baby contest when I was little. I was in the Christmas kids' choir musical. My picture was in the Sonlight catalog. My picture was in the MOPS newsletter. AND, I'm gonna be in the Kids' Choir Spring Musical. See, lots of times!"
He sat back, matter-of-factly. I smiled and said,
"Yes, I guess you're right. You are a star."
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I made the Supreme Team! YAY!
Here is my fourth round LO:

I created it using a fantastic collab kit called Blossom. AVAILABLE HERE.
Here is my fourth round LO:

I created it using a fantastic collab kit called Blossom. AVAILABLE HERE.
Friday, February 19, 2010
A trip down scrapbooking memory lane...
Today I was talking to someone who wants to start digital scrapbooking (You can so do it, Liv!), and I was reminded of myself several years ago. Totally dedicated to paper scrapbooking. 100% against changing over. Listening tentatively to Jess Stern rave about the numerous benefits of digital over paper scrapbooking. Drooling over her gorgeous pages. Wishing I could switch but intimidated and completely at sea about where to start. Asking Jess to explain just one more time how to do this? Struggling to create that first page. A little better on page 2. Page 3 - DONE. So convinced I handed over all the huge rubbermaid bins in the basement that were full of paper scrapping supplies over to Mike's mom because I had "gone digital."
We've come a long way, baby!
Here is my LO for the third round of the Supreme Team contest (I couldn't have done it without you, Jess! Thanks for the continued nudging to try something new.):

I used a collab kit by FWTS and jjscrapping called SPRINGY. Available HERE.
We've come a long way, baby!
Here is my LO for the third round of the Supreme Team contest (I couldn't have done it without you, Jess! Thanks for the continued nudging to try something new.):

I used a collab kit by FWTS and jjscrapping called SPRINGY. Available HERE.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Everyone has a price...
...I've been meditating about what mine is. What do I sell out for? What am I placing as the most treasured thing in my life? What is the price of my worth? How much am I valued at?
Deep, digging questions that sometimes make me say, "Ouch" when I see my sin. Sometimes make me say "Wow" when I see my Savior.
Anyway, I came across I Peter 1:17-19 and thought I'd share them.
"If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one's work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth; knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver and gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ."
Wow! There is so much revelation in these three scriptures! God is our father. He doesn't compare us to our 'siblings' but judges each person impartially. Our stay on earth is temporary and should be viewed in the light of eternity.
But what stood our most to me was that my value is so far beyond any gold or silver.
My worth is above all the wealth in the world.
My price is the blood of the perfect Son of God.
It's already been paid.
I've been gifted with my freedom to live a life higher than I was able on my own.
I just have to live like it.
Deep, digging questions that sometimes make me say, "Ouch" when I see my sin. Sometimes make me say "Wow" when I see my Savior.
Anyway, I came across I Peter 1:17-19 and thought I'd share them.
"If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one's work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth; knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver and gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ."
Wow! There is so much revelation in these three scriptures! God is our father. He doesn't compare us to our 'siblings' but judges each person impartially. Our stay on earth is temporary and should be viewed in the light of eternity.
But what stood our most to me was that my value is so far beyond any gold or silver.
My worth is above all the wealth in the world.
My price is the blood of the perfect Son of God.
It's already been paid.
I've been gifted with my freedom to live a life higher than I was able on my own.
I just have to live like it.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Scrapbooking Contest
I'm entering the Supreme Team contest again! We're in round two right now which is why (aside from both kids and I having colds this week) I haven't blogged in a while.
Anyway, here are my round 1 and 2 entries:

I used Sew Chic (a new kit by Tricia Curtis)available HERE.

I used a collab kit by Dancing Princess Designs and Dylabel Designs called Dipsy Doodles. Available HERE.
Anyway, here are my round 1 and 2 entries:

I used Sew Chic (a new kit by Tricia Curtis)available HERE.

I used a collab kit by Dancing Princess Designs and Dylabel Designs called Dipsy Doodles. Available HERE.
Monday, February 1, 2010
A Year Ago Today...

...was Superbowl Sunday. Jasmine was still tiny. We were hanging out at our friends' house and the kids were playing. I baked a cherry pie and there was way too much food, as there is at all good Superbowl parties. It was a great day.
Today was a great day too. I was super busy all day long. Then tonight we had our women's meeting at church. On the first Monday of every month, we have a meeting called First Love. We start with fellowship and snacks, then move to the sanctuary for worship and the word. Tonight I led worship. My first time to ever lead a whole set. There was a fantastic band and four other fantastic vocalists to help lead the congregation, but I was so nervous before it started. I prayed and claimed that I am anointed to lead worship, but I couldn't help feeling a little intimidated about having to cue the band where to go. I decided that sometimes you just have to do things scared and hope that someday they'll become more comfortable. It was awesome. I think God likes it when I have to get over myself to do something. Then He can really take us somewhere. My voice was not the best its ever been. I still have to learn how to give good cues and lead the congregation. But we met with God and got to worship Him. It was wonderful and liberating. Until I opened my eyes and realized that it was 7 minutes past my allotted time. That little voice in my head started chanting, "wrap it up, wrap it up, wrap it up,..." No one ever told me how hard it is to stop and go on to something else. I mean what do you say: "Okay, that's all folks, open up those eyes. Put those hands down that you have raised. Time's up." Hopefully I handled it more gracefully than that but I think I have a lot to learn about transitions. Yikes!
On the other hand, I could just decide to stay up there forever and let the speaker take the lead on when to take over. :-)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Psalm 86:15
I'm trying to do better about blogging every day. I just realized that I didn't get on at all yesterday and I'm about to head to church tonight.
So, here's my thought for today - short and sweet:
Pastor Hal used Psalm 86:15 in his sermon on Sunday and what he had to say was really good. I was reading it again this week and something totally different stood out to me.
"But you, o Lord, are a God merciful and gracious,
Slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth."
Pastor Hal talked about knowing God's amazing grace and mercy. I was thinking that we are supposed to be reflections of God's character to the world. I don't know about you, but I am not always slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth. I took it as a challenge from the Holy Spirit and put the verse on our refridgerator.
I am intentionally choosing to be slow to anger in the face of five-year-old rebellion and two-year-old potty training and independence issues. I am stepping forward in speaking the truth with abundant lovingkindness. I'm no there yet, but God's working on me through His amazing word. It is living and active.
So, here's my thought for today - short and sweet:
Pastor Hal used Psalm 86:15 in his sermon on Sunday and what he had to say was really good. I was reading it again this week and something totally different stood out to me.
"But you, o Lord, are a God merciful and gracious,
Slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth."
Pastor Hal talked about knowing God's amazing grace and mercy. I was thinking that we are supposed to be reflections of God's character to the world. I don't know about you, but I am not always slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth. I took it as a challenge from the Holy Spirit and put the verse on our refridgerator.
I am intentionally choosing to be slow to anger in the face of five-year-old rebellion and two-year-old potty training and independence issues. I am stepping forward in speaking the truth with abundant lovingkindness. I'm no there yet, but God's working on me through His amazing word. It is living and active.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Some kid cuteness

I can't figure out if Jazz is looking at me like that because she's wondering why I scrapbook such crazy things or if she's like,
"Where are all the pages of me????"

So, it's really a good thing Judah is into wrestling, Transformers, Star Wars, and good old-fashioned boy stuff.
He came in to show me this outfit he put together and said,
"Come on, Mama. It's time to exercise. I'm an exercise guy!"
Welcome back to the eighties.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I could get used to this...
Have I mentioned that I have the greatest husband ever?!?! He grilled amazing pork chops for dinner last night and then baked a cake for dessert. Yummy!

Jasmine decided to help out and provided the most hysterical moment of the evening. She walked into the kitchen and Mike said, "Hi, Sweetheart!"
Jazz glanced up and replied, "Hi, Mommy!"
I think Mike is reconsidering the apron move. :-)

Jasmine decided to help out and provided the most hysterical moment of the evening. She walked into the kitchen and Mike said, "Hi, Sweetheart!"
Jazz glanced up and replied, "Hi, Mommy!"
I think Mike is reconsidering the apron move. :-)

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