"Planted in the house of the Lord; They will flourish in the courts of our God."
--Psalm 92:13
I was reading in the Psalms today and I vaguely remembered this scripture. Something about it was teasing the edge of my mind, and I couldn't settle down until I found the verse and read it. God is so good. His word is living and active. Recently, positions at our church had to be cut because of budget reasons. My husband's job was one of those. We were totally surprised.
For half a day we sat stunned and in a daze, staring at our bibles. Again and again, we felt a phrase in our hearts, "Your paycheck is not your income. God is the provision for your life." (not original to me, I think it was from a Phil Stern message way back) Amazingly, supernaturally really, we have peace. Not just an uneasy calm and pretended contentment. True peace. Even excitement about what God wants to do next.
It's like when you are a kid about to go on a trip. Too excited to sleep.
Two words from the scripture above jumped out at me. Planted. Flourish.
God has a place to plant us. He was not surprised by this. He knew and was smiling because He could see the awesome blessing that would come in the future. He envisioned the growth in us in the time of waiting. He pictured the stories we will tell our children and theirs about the faithfulness of our God. He was thinking about the best gift He could give us as our Daddy God. The gift of a life FLOURISHING in His house.