So, Judah and I were watching Saturday morning cartoons. Darby, Pooh Bear, and friends were singing about how Christmas wasn't coming because Santa lost the presents and had called the whole thing off. I turned to Judah and said,
"They're being silly, aren't they?"
"Yeah," Judah grinned and looked at me.
"Judah, what's Christmas really about?"
His little face scrunched up in concentration and then he remembered,
"I hugged him and nodded. "That's right! Santa can't cancel Christmas because its about Jesus. Even if no one got presents, Christmas would still happen."
Judah turned to the TV and yelled, "Christmas is about JESUS!"
I tell you this anecdote because I am so excited about this idea of Operation Take Christmas Back. I started a couple days ago as it said on my blog and already it is bearing fruit. I don't even know the lady who thought of this plan, but I read her blog and am being blessed because of it. Thank you to all of you who put positive, uplifting, challenging, Christ-glorifying ideas on your blogs, facebook, myspace, e-mail, etc. You never know the fruit that is reaped.